Sunday, January 27, 2008

bay bound 2...

with all the new goodies at the house, and the horrific rain outside I decided to stay in Friday night with Slims...did a little iCHATing with the fam Ray (MIGHTY HEALTHY/ CRAZYSTEEZYO)...So my whole purpose for going to the Bay was to get my back checked out, so my Mum recommended some "Doctor" in do I wish I had my camera for this's basically what happen...the lady takes a shot glass and a flash light, and starts to look into my EYE...then she goes
doc: hmmm, (looks at chart on wall of two eye balls) you're having knee problems hu"?
me: uhh, no...
doc: oh wait...back problems...some times the 6 and 9 get confusing
me: uhh, yeah
doc: oh your liver isn't too happy with you. have you been having some liver problems lately?
me: uhh, really? not that i know of...
this went on for about an hour...after that I had to run some errands then headed to Tinez for a second...then Slims and I drove up to her place for dinner that her roommate was cookin' up...Matt and I go way back...marinatin'...hollar...more to come...

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