Yesterday, for some reason my iTUNES decided to stop syncing with my external drive causing nearly 7 thousand songs to come up as
missing. I'm not sure what's going on, but it's really annoying. Now I'm having to re-sync this fucking shyt, and it's taking for-ev-er. Of course, I'm not going to do
all of them just the ones I currently listen to, but even so it's a huuuuuuuge pain. FU iTUNES!!!
Since we're on the topic of music you may have notice
beats week is no longer at the top of the page every day.
Someone said that it was too confusing, and you couldn't tell when I had updated the blog. To solve this problem I've added a
beats week to the list on my side bars, so that should make things a little easier for some. That better Bobbert? :)
that sux man. thats happened to me before. if the files are all organized outside of itunes(manually managed files), you can delete the stuff that got messed up or everything in ur library and then add it all back to itunes again. its a pain anyway u slice it. good luck man
but doing so won't it copy the files to my itunes as well on my computer?
i think after you do that you have to consolidate the files and they should only be in the itunes folder. i hope you didnt have to retag the songs too.
it depends if your manually managing your songs or having itunes organize your shit. so if you manually manage the files you drag to itunes stay in the same location say Switch/Music. But if you let itunes organize it creates a second copy of the mp3 and reorganizes the folders automatically. So the question is which location to copy the mp3s back in from. know whut I mean? You need the ones that were in itunes so you dont lose your ratings etc, all that is saved into the mp3 file
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