Sunday, November 2, 2008


It's like 1:30am and I think I'm finally recovered from last night. B.Mo, Tay, Jason, and myself hit up the Drop Dead Gorgeous party at the Natural History Museum. I planned on going to HARD, but at the last minute I changed my mind. Thanks to Pubes for the other rsvp list cause that other line was re-tard-ed. Of course, I didn't bring my camera, but that's what camera phones are for right?

The night was pretty awesome if you couldn't tell by the picture below. B.Mo dressed up as some sort of a wolfman guy, I was Urkel, and Pubes went as the Ultimate Warrior.

There was another guy dressed as Urkel too, but he looked more like Pharrell in my opinion.

Sometime during the night I found a maglight, and pretended I was a security guard regulating the flow of traffic into one of the party rooms. Why? Because I was on drugs duuuh.

To sum up the night...the Classixx killed it, Royal Rumble killed it, and yeah that's all I remember because I WAS ON DRUGS.

Ran into my brotha from anotha mutha Hassan (FLAUNT)

Anyway, I'm crashing out. If it doesn't rain tomorrow I'll be doing plenty of this in the back yard, so come through.


Spyderman said...

haha urkel. love it!

Dawn said...

lovelove the fit ^_^