Sunday, February 1, 2009

hush hush whitegirl...

Man, last night was bananas. I haven't been so faded with my boys in a while. I've gotta get stuff ready for the Superbowl Parlay we're about to have at mi casa, so I'll make this short. Here are a few flix from the pregame at the Hush Hush house with the WhiteGirls before heading to MAJOR.

We're a bunch of winos...

nothin' to a boss...

while Tyler (CLASSIXX) was makin' some funkie beats...

then Cellus and Chris had a Bay vs LA classic music Youtube battle. The Bay won obviously...

then they started freestyling, which was siiiiiiick. I wish I had the 5D to record their flows...

While Hass entertained some lady friends that stopped by for a sec...

then we bounced, and went to MAJOR, which was pretty dope...I think. I was pretty faded.

the end.


M* said...

wine.fake money.and ultra curly che$t hairs make the best out of superbowl party's.

SWITCH™ said...

fake money? spends like real money...

Anonymous said...

lol...ok u got me.

YHANNI said...

good wood