Sunday, May 10, 2009

sess saturday...

Man I'm sore right now. I haven't been this sore in I don't know how long. I workout almost every day, and this feels worse than that. This weekend I met up with Matt, Hassan, and Tyler for a little skate sess. I can't even tell you how long it's been since I've skated because it's been that long! Matt knew of a nice little ditch not too far from my old crib, so we decided to meet at Hassan's and all roll from there. By the time I skated to Hassan's Matt was already there skating out front. I was quite rusty, so it took some time before getting my sea legs back in order. Hassan was lagging majorly, so we skated out front while we waited for him to get home. After waiting a good hour Tyler eventually came home followed by Hassan a short time after. From there we hoped in Matt's car, and headed to the spot.

The spot was well worth the wait. I don't want to give it away completely, but check Guy Mariano's part in Fully Flared around the 1:34 mark. There was a huge drop-in that shot you down like a torpedo followed by a crazy S-like canal with a few buttery ledges. There was a nice amount of debris in the pathway, but Matt came prepared with broom in hand. After skating for about a half an hour a couple young rippers came through, and commenced to destroying it. It's kinda crazy to see the younger generation busting tricks at speeds I wouldn't have though twice about doing when I was that age. That must be nice.

One downfall, there must have been a million flies that decided our eyes, ears, and mouths were the perfect spot to hang out. Next time bug replant will be a must have! Overall, it was a good day of skating that I will be doing a lot more frequently, so if anyone's down to shred drop me a line.

the end.


Anonymous said...

what park is that???????

g$ said...

fuck man the johnsons are hottt I wish I could get those

w4gw4gewg34w said...

Griffith park. Next to the driving range. Holy shit. I drove past you guys haha on my way to the course, "Woah, I didn't know that place was skatable."