Monday, October 8, 2007

after the party it's the after party...

Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend I haven't really had access to the internet. Anyway, the only thing worth talking about was Detour featuring Justice, and the rest of the Ed Banger crew. I heard that Detour wasn't all that good, but when Justice went on it looked like it was a good time to me...

I had a ticket, but ended up spending the whole day in the I.E. I did make it to the after party/ URB 150th issue party at The Standard hotel downtown.

It started off pretty dead due to the fact that they kept the location a secret until the day of, but by around midnight it was packed.

Danny's hair...Giggin' beezie...Hassan (VGRNTS/ WHITEGIRLS)More beezies...the preparation...
click to enlarge^

The party doesn't stop there though Justice added an extra show @ the Henry Fonda tonight, but I expect the after party @ The Viper room to be even better just like last time (click me). It may be too late to RSVP for tonight, but click the flyer to make it bigger and get the email address to try because tonight will be well worth it.


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